Why Christians should be involved in politics

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This interview with Krish Kandiah was published in the book Just Politics, 2010

Krish Kandiah: Why do you believe Christians should be actively involved with politics?

Jon Kuhrt:  The key point is to realise that we are involved anyway; we have no choice about being political because if we choose not to engage then it is a vote for the status quo – the way things are.  Ken Leech, a vicar who started the homelessness charity Centrepoint said:

‘All Christians are political, whether they realise it or not.  But especially when they don’t realise it.’

Christians need to be involved because we believe in a God who cares passionately about his world and his creation, and consequently how it is run.  The Bible is hugely political – in that it is about how God wants people to behave and act towards him, and towards each other.  This involves economics and law because these are tools that need to be used to build justice.  So often it is injustice which dominates God’s world and this grieves Him.

As believers in God we have much to bring to politics – a deeper commitment to justice and compassion which throughout history has made a difference in the political sphere through people like William Wilberforce, Lord Shaftesbury, Elizabeth Fry, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu and many others.

Krish: How can Christians get involved?

Jon: Be involved in your local community – what issues do local people care about? How can you help make a noise about key issues local to you?  How does your church or youth group connect with issues of justice either locally or globally?  How can you build knowledge of what is going on and get passionate with others about making a stand?

Join the Christian group of the party that you believe in and be an advocate for Jesus’ politics within it.  Be brave and courageous – don’t just follow the crowd, but be willing to ask the difficult questions.

Krish: Can you give us some examples?

Jon:  I went on a march organised by The Peace Alliance and local churches between Peckham and Brixton following a spate of youth murders in South London.  The march deliberately walked across many different gang areas to declare that everyone was one in Christ.  We sang Christian songs but it felt much more political than it ever does ‘in church’.  The march declared Gods’ love into the darkness of violence, pain and anger – giving confidence to the many people within churches trying to make a difference through youth clubs and social action projects.

Another example is the ‘Living Wage’ campaign organised by London Citizens.  They brought shares and attended HSBC’s Annual General Meeting and interrupted the chair at the start to raise the issue of how much the cleaners are paid at the bank’s building in Carnary Wharf.  This led to meeting with the ‘powers that be’ and that in turn led to changes in the wages paid to cleaning staff across Canary Wharf.  Many local churches are members of London Citizens, and together they have raised their collective voice on many issues of justice.

Krish: Who has most inspired your own activism?

Jon:  The Christian that most inspires me to political action is Christian socialist Bob Holman because he moved from a comfortable position as a lecturer to live on one of the poorest estates in the country, Easterhouse in Glasgow.  From this true position of authority, he has campaigned tirelessly for the poor and marginalised – writing articles, books, and changing opinion.

This interview with Krish Kandiah was published in the book Just Politics, 2010

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23 thoughts on “Why Christians should be involved in politics”

  1. Christians should take part in politics so as to reflect christianity through their leadership and be examples to others


    1. Christian should take part in politics in politics in other to bring God’s plan And purpose to the world 🌎🙏
      Scripture says; When a righteous man ruleth, the people rejoice.


  2. 2 thoughts on “Why believers (Christians) should be involved in politics”

    Believer’s should join politics so that they may bring Righteous public service governance because righteousness exalt a Nation Sin is a reproach for to all people and territory.
    (2)To correct some wicked evil errors that politics are dirty game.
    When have always allow dirty people to play politics.
    Politics are governance that every believer should involve him or her self.


  3. I believe that Christians in politics should manifest the God given good works so that if others see ” these good works” they will GLORIFY our GOD the Father who is in heaven… MATTHEW 5:16.


    1. Christian should should be involved in Politics because if they do so and portrayed the christian life in them they will give fare justice and good governance to its citizen which include the distribution of national resources, provision of social amenities, protection of people lives and properties, creation of the good environment for citizen to live and there countries or societies, just as Joseph did in the book of Genesis :44.


  4. Christians should join pilitics to give true ruling experience to their future generations in their respective countries through out the whole world.


  5. I don’t disagree that Christians should not isolate themselves from “politics” of the country. We are ultimately meant to be the salt of the earth and hence meant to bring godly influence to our world.
    However , there is the caveat.
    Many Christian leaders who do get involved in politics , such as the US politics , many of them are evangelicals, some of them have an agenda , it could be godly , personal or a little of both. The latter two agendas are what is the problem with Christians getting involved with politics.
    The US had a president who claim to be a Christian that was blatantly abusive and harsh towards his opponents and the media. Behaviour was totally unrecognizable with someone who is suppose to hear the fruit of the Spirit. He had even been accused of sexually assaulting a woman and found to be liable for damages by the grand jury. He had even been videotaped to say sexually crude things about women ( about grabbing women’s private parts and being proud of it). And there are many other things that reflect that consistent behaviour. However, some Christian leaders continue to choose to align with that person and say great things about him.
    There are times when the “means” does justify the end goal. But in God’s kingdom , whatever the end goal might be, there are those times where we simply cannot jeopardize the sanctity of the church by resorting to “means” that abides with the falsehood, just to make sure our “godly” goals are met.
    Sometimes people convince themselves that “it’s okay, we can bend the rules a little, because we have a critical goal that helps move God’s kingdom forward”. That I believe , is ultimately betraying our Christian faith.
    And deep down, the root of these kind of actions , is that power corrupts, and the attraction of worldly power will corrupt even the most “holy” and devout Christian leader.


    1. To love your neighbour doesn’t mean you have to agree with them
      King David wasn’t perfect but he had a heart for God


  6. politics should follow the 10 comments

    Politics is a part of the human race, that was made in GOD image. The 10 commandments, given to Moses on Mount Sinai. This is a good through, where this human race is to follow. Lying and Stelling was used to overpower, another. person(s) then tries to destroy. This very reason this issue, is guidance to wars in history. Is this why a government will go against a particular church or churches?


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